definition of "incidental motions and requests" 95 (34)
Indefinite postponement (assembly bills):
definition of "indefinite postponement" 95 (35)
final and adverse disposition49 (1)(a)
not permitted twice on same day at same stage of proposal 72
precedence of motion for65 (2)(h)
Information policy and technology, joint committee on, see s. 13.58, stats.
Insurance, committee on (standing committee) 9 (1)(o)
Intent of proposal frustrated, corrective amendment by committee
on assembly organization
23 (2), (3)
Interpretation of rules, see also Points of order3m (1)(g), 91
Interruption of member holding floor57
Introduction (definition)95 (36)
Introduction and offering of proposals, see Assembly resolution, Bill, Joint resolution
Item veto, see Veto
Jefferson's manual applicable when no specific assembly or joint rule
governs procedures, unless inconsistent with constitutional or
statutory provisions
91 (1)
Jobs, economy, and small business, committee on
(standing committee)
9 (1)(p)
Joint committee for review of administrative rules (JCRAR), see
Administrative rules
Joint committee on employment relations (JCOER), see
Employment relations committee, assembly and joint
Joint committee on finance, see Finance committee, assembly and joint
Joint committee on information policy and technology, see Information
policy and technology, committee on
Joint convention, see also Joint Rule 1:
assembly chief clerk acts as chief clerk of 32 (2)
definition of "joint convention"95 (37)
interrupts business of the assembly32 (2)
senate president (or speaker) presides32 (2)
Joint hearing (definition)95 (38)
Joint resolution:
copies to be provided 24 hours before consideration unless privileged35 (1)
definition of "joint resolution"95 (39)
division not proper80 (4)
executive action, 24 hours after proposal public17d
introduction by committee18 (5)
presentation of39
privileged when relating to members, procedures, or
organization43 (1)
proposing amendment to Wisconsin constitution:
question on 3rd reading75 (1)(b)
receives 3 readings before adoption41 (2)
second consideration, what may be amended, see
Joint Rule 57 (2)
ratifying amendment to U.S. constitution 41 (2)
readings required41
referred to standing committee, special committee, next calendar, or
committee on rules, unless privileged
relating to legislative rules (roll call required;
a majority of current membership required
to adopt)
43 (2), 89
rereferred to committee13 (1)(am), 42 (3)(c), 45
stating question of adoption or concurrence 75 (1)(b)
to recall proposal (after passage) for further action 23 (3), 51
Joint rules:
definition of "joint rules"95 (40)
together with assembly rules govern parliamentary practice 91
Joint session, see Joint convention
Joint survey committee:
bills may not be withdrawn from15 (1)(a)
referral of bill returned by standing committee and committee on rules24 (3)(a)
referral of proposal to one or more, simultaneously42 (1)(b)
report to be read at length if not provided 35 (3)
Journal, see also art. IV, sec. 10, Wis. Con.:
chief clerk's or legislative reference bureau's corrections in legislative
communications included in journal by order of assembly or
presiding officer37 (2)
conforms to rules and directives by committee on assembly organization38
definition of "journal"95 (41)
gives daily list of those present or absent 30 (1)
may note fact that member wished to be recorded on roll call76 (8)
preparation supervised by chief clerk5 (1)(b)
roll call record to show names and totals 76 (9)
Judiciary and ethics, committee on (standing committee) 9 (1)(q)
Labor and workforce development, committee on
(standing committee)9 (1)(r)
Last general-business floorperiod, final legislative day: reconsideration
motion taken up by majority vote of members present and voting
73 (3)(b)
Lay on table, see Table, motion to
Leave (definition), see also Absence, leave of95 (42)
Leaving chamber: no member to leave while assembly under call84
Leaving floor: no member to cross or leave while presiding officer is
addressing assembly
26 (2)
Legislative citation, see Certificate 96
Legislative day (definition)95 (43)
Legislative reference bureau, see also ss. 13.90 and 13.92, stats.:
committee's floor amendment, reviews and redrafts 53 (3)
correction in proposal:
authorized for wrong spelling, grammar, numbering,
or improper word use and wrong numbering
or referencing
36 (1)(a)
enacting or enabling clause, inserts when missing 36 (1)(b)
titles of proposals, when required in36 (1)(c)
drafts all proposals for introduction39 (2), (3)
engrossed proposal, prepares for reproduction 5 (1)(f)
flaw in enrolled bill, notifies committee on assembly
organization23 (2), (3)
floor amendments, makes limited corrections in 53 (4)(b)
inauguration day, duties of chief5 (1)(a)
indexes to proposals by subject and author, see Joint Rules 77 and 78
publishing assembly manual, assists chief clerk 94 (1)
required to make clerical corrections in proposals 36
Legislature, organization of, see art. IV, sections 7 to 20, Wis. Con. and
ss. 13.01 to 13.58, stats.